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Work start

2012, analog photograph
Mustarinda Art Residency, Kainuu, Finland

2012, analog photograph
Mustarinda Art Residency, Kainuu, Finland

2012, analog photograph
Mustarinda Art Residency, Kainuu, Finland

2012, analog photographs, framed
UdK Meisterschüler exhibition, Berlin, Germany

2012, empty birdcage
UdK Meisterschüler exhibition, Berlin, Germany

2012, recorded birds.
UdK Meisterschüler exhibition, Berlin, Germany.

2012, recorded birds
UdK Meisterschüler exhibition, Berlin, Germany

Equality relations
2009, analog photograph
Tervasaari, Helsinki, Finland

Equality relations
2009, 24 analog photos printed on wrapping paper
Kasarmikatu Gallery, Helsinki, Finland

2023, wood, blended yarn of silk, cotton and linen and wood stool
Exhibition resident artists from A BASE in pavilion 31 at CHPL, Lisbon, Portugal

2023, fabric, embroidery yarn, gouache, soft pastel, chinese ink
150 cm x 300 cm
A BASE Art Residency, Lisbon, Portugal

Slow Revealing
2023, fabric, embroidery yarn, gouache, soft pastel, chinese ink, various paper, newspaper
150 cm x 300 cm
A BASE Art Residency, Lisbon, Portugal

Voyage à longue distance pour l'amour
2024, fabrics, various papers, newspaper, embroidery thread, gouache, soft and oil pastels, watercolour pens, Chinese ink
300 cm x 180 cm
A BASE Art Residency, Lisbon, Portugal

I sweater
2024, Various papers, newspaper, embroidery thread, gouache, pens
23 cm x 25 cm

I made you a sweater
2024, Various papers, newspaper, embroidery thread, gouache, pens
30 cm x 22 cm
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